Sold Out Sold Out Acer Travel Funny Fundraiser Sold Out January 12

Dear School Community,

Please refer to the correspondence from the Principal, Dr Peter Cooper regarding our exciting transition to Colmont School uniform.

From the Principal to School Community

Warm regards,
The Kilmore International School

Dear School Community,

Please refer to the correspondence from the Chair of the Board of Directors, Mr Rod Dally, and the Principal, Dr Peter Cooper regarding exciting changes on the horizon.

From the Chair and Principal to School Community

Warm regards,

The Kilmore International School

We are delighted to advise that registrations are now open for The Kilmore International School Academic Scholarships.

Our prestigious Academic Scholarships are awarded to both current and prospective students studying in Year 7 through to Year 12 in 2023.

The scholarship testing session is scheduled for 19 February 2022, registrations are available online via the ACER website

Registrations close on 9 February 2022.

Should you have any questions regarding the Academic Scholarship process, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly Admissions Team on 03 57 822 211 or via

Prospective families are invited to an online Zoom session to learn more about what The Kilmore International School has to offer. Enrolments are still open and available for 2021 placements.

Participants who register in advance will receive a Zoom link via email.

We look forward to meeting with you online.

Prospective families are invited to an online Zoom session to learn more about what The Kilmore International School has to offer, including our Innovation Scholarship opportunity.

Participants who register in advance will receive a Zoom link via email.

We look forward to meeting with you online.


The Kilmore International School recently launched its exciting new Innovation Scholarship to enable students to demonstrate their creative thinking skills. The Innovation Scholarship is open to students in Year 5 to Year 10 in 2021.

To assist applicants in the development of their thinking, school Principal Mr Peter Cooper defines innovation as the "melding of two, or more, previously unrelated items to create a unique and useful item.  For example, the melding of a telephone, a camera, and a computer has led to today's mobile phones".

He added "Applicants are invited to draw on their interest, their passion, for two or more distinct areas in order to create a new item that could serve a genuine purpose, rather than pure fantasy."

Applicants are not expected to physically produce such an item, but are expected to present their thought processes and line of thinking in developing this new item.

"This presentation could take the form of an essay, a movie, a poster, audiovisual presentation, a song, painting' he said. 'The submission format is not crucial as the interview panel is more interested in the applicant being able to explain their thinking, their successes and failures, as well as the reasons they have followed a particular path."

Applications for the Innovation Scholarship close on Wednesday 26 August. All applicants for the scholarship will be required to sit The Kilmore International School entrance assessment on Saturday 29 August 2020, followed by a presentation of their Innovation Scholarship idea.

Further details regarding the scholarship and enrolments generally for Years 3-12 can be located on the school website at

Dear Community of TKIS,

You are cordially invited to remotely attend the International Baccalaureate Music Recital on Zoom.

Wednesday 3rd June
5.30 – 6.30 pm
Zooming live from the Green Room at TKIS.

Please connect using the following link and codes.

Topic: TKIS IB Recital #1
Time: Jun 3, 2020 05:30 PM Australia/Kilmore

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 0485 5437
Password: LoveMusic

Your program for the evening can be viewed here:

Kind Regards,
Catherine Stringer,
Head of The Arts


You might have heard that TKIS runs a school trip to Cambodia every second year.

But do you know that:

  •  We travel with a registered and successful NGO (non-government organisation) and staff comprising volunteers from all over the world as well as local Khmer people who love their country?
  • CKF is a local family based in Woodend? They started their work in Cambodia after one family holiday that opened their eyes to the beautiful people and their troubled lives
  • All money raised is used to fund projects set up by the locals and supported by the organisation? That's 100% of your money being used in a way you can trust
  • In 2011, TKIS travelled to Soksan village and our fundraising efforts helped CKF buy the land to build the country's FIRST FREE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL?
  • The Soksan International School runs the IB programs from Primary school and into Secondary? This will help to develop global-minded, intelligent and compassionate young people to lead the country onto a better future.
  • The first 5 trips saw our students teach in all classrooms, visit the temples and attractions of Cambodia, work in the Community Garden, build Reading Rooms that are still in use, help in the village Medical Centre, and develop educational programs to target real life issues in the village (such as safety for children and combating child abduction)? These programs are still implemented today, with updated curriculum

    In January 2020, TKIS will be travelling again to Cambodia to check on their progress and help with the different projects? A group of 15 students from years 8-12 will be guided by 3 adults to contribute their time and love to CKF projects.

What do you do with this information?

Don't throw it away!
Think about participating in a future Mission:Cambodia (Mishcam)! Talk to your friends and your family. Look up CKF and make your own decision about what they do and how you feel about it.
People who travel with CKF are well looked after from the moment they land until the time they tearfully say goodbye. They make life-long friends and connect strongly with the children of this village. They come away feeling they are part of an important mission: to make a difference in the developing world and to improve the lives of future generations. OR

Bake Sale

Recess 10.35am and Lunch 12.45pm


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